Tuesday 5 March 2013

Venice through the Lens . . .

On our way to Venice we hit a Hore Frost.
The enitre scene outside of the van was snap frozen.
An absolutely beautiful thing to witness, but a little scary to be driving through,
unsure whether the roads were frozen or not Glenn just followed the big trucks in front of us.

The entire week we spent in Venice we were shrouded in a thick fog.
It was eerie, magical and freezing cold.

Even the cobwebs were snap frozen.

The very first bridge we came across.
It's steps had been salted because of the ice.  We came across this
throughout Venice.

Only a couple of days before Christmas and the locals were
rugged up and out shopping at all the market stalls dotted
throughout the city.

Even the stall holders wore fur hats.  Only in Italy!

The girls loved the different Venitian masks.

A fur hat stall we stumbled across.
Each hat was about 30euros, real fur, and a popular accessory.

The grand canal through the fog.

San Marco Piazza

Jumping for joy in San Marco Piazza - or just trying to keep warm!

The Bridge of Sighs.

Walking along Venice's famous waterfront with it's pink street lights and local artists.

Living in Venice the kids play soccer in the streets.
We didn't see a blade of grass throughout the whole city.

We love the Italian doggy designer style.

Finding our angelic side outside the Leonardo Museum.

These kids were watching Mum and Dad Christmas shopping
through the toy shop window.

This man was hand making exquisite little Christmas trees
using real fir tree branches.

A Sheers family picnic in Venice.

The water taxi we took across to Venice everyday from our camp
at Fusina.

Looking back to Fusina.

Putting up our Christmas tree in Swifty.

The girls with thier Christmas booty - lots of art stuff and chocolate.

Taashi and Tilly made alot of our decorations this year -
best Christmas tree ever.

The girls favourite presents - warm comfy slippers.