Monday 11 March 2013

-2C and snow in Avignon and Perpignon . . .

For a week we camped under cyrstal clear blue winter skies and so when we arrived in Avignon to the same we were all pretty excited - the only difference here though was that it was really really cold.  The following morning we woke to dead silence in camp and pitter pattering on our roof - it was snowing!  Glenn and the girls have never seen snow fall and so we threw on gloves and hats and ran around the campground like crazy people trying to catch snowflakes as they fell. Fellow campers from the Netherlands and Germany watched us out thier windows - probably laughing and wishing they were further south (they were all trying to escape this weather!).  With tummies grumbling we got back into Swifty and watched the world trying to turn white (even though the snowflakes were melting as soon as they hit the ground).  A break in the weather saw us rug up and walk across the river to explore the walled town of Avignon where it began to snow in ernest.  With nowhere to shelter we just kept on walking, laughing along with the locals who came out of their homes not realizing that it was snowing, and then enjoying it as much as we were.  Avignon was a stunning town with its grand Palace, its winding streets and its walls and ramparts.
From Avignon we drove to Perpignon - deliberately waiting until the weather forecast was a bit better before we hit the roads.  Weather forecasts aren't always correct and halfway to Perpignon we found ourselves driving through snow showers that got heavier the further we went.  Having never driven in conditions like this before, and in a big motorhome, Glenn and I were a little nervous - the girls were just excited!  We made it safely to camp which was only 500m from the beach in Perpignon and where we found ourselves pitched up with our very own private bathroom next to our van.  Sadly it was open, freezing cold and the hot water cylinder was tiny and held only a few litres - on the plus side we didn't have to share a toilet with anyone else for the first time in months!  As we prepared dinner we looked out the window to see that it had begun to snow again - this time it was really heavy and the world outside was turning white.  The girls and I ran outside to take photos, write our names in the snow and throw a few snowballs - Glenn lasted all of 5mins before he said it was too cold and went back inside the van.  The next morning most of the snow had melted in the rain but ice still formed thick coatings on cabins and decks around us.  At the local supermarket we were told that it only snows here once every 10yrs - we had been lucky to see it!

Avignon's weather forecast while we were there.

The view across the river from camp to Avignon.

Walking Avignon's pretty streets - inside the walls.

Catching snowflakes in town.

The Palace.

Catching snowflakes in town.

The view across Avignon from the top of the wall.

Looking back down the river towards camp.

Tilly in charge of the map.

Climbing the ramparts.

Heading to Perpignon as the snow started to fall.

As seen from the front windscreen - the further along we got the heavier the snow fell.
Made for some nailbiting driving.

Swifty with a sprinkle of snow - it got much thicker but it was really late at night and
too cold and dark to go out and photograph.

Not rain but snow falling in one of the camps courtyards and floodlit by the camps street lights.

Taashi leaves a handprint on a park bench.

Snowflakes on our eyelashes.

At the start of the snow falling we stuck our heads out the door of Swifty
and saw our crocs covered - later in the night it was all white.
The following morning we could pick up large sheets of ice . . .

and smaller bits of snow not melted by the rains overnight.

Mountains we hadn't even realized were there were covered in snow.