Tuesday 13 November 2012

Catch up continued . . .

A Passenger's Perspective of Romania . . .

I have made an art form of taking photos out the front windows of Swifty as we travel the roads through Europe.  Much of our time is spent looking through the windscreen and observing people going about their daily lives.  Romania proved to be a fabulous country for doing this as we witnessed things unique to this quirky little country - including following a funeral procession through a tiny little town with the deceased laid out in the back of a floral adorned truck.  Those from the town not following the procession were lining the streets watching on.  Unfortunately we come across these things so quickly that it's hard to photograph them - but sometimes you luck a great shot that captures the scene perfectly.  Below are some of the photos I have taken out the front window as we've driven from the north of Romania all the way to the south.

We followed this couple for miles and miles in their little old car with a top speed of 60km/h going down hill.

Sometimes I could feel the eyes of locals glaring down the lens at me.

All farming in Romania is done manually by hand.  We saw no evidence of modern machinery with the exception of an occasional old tractor.  Made for storybook olde world photos.

We had to smile as we passed shepherd after shepherd talking on their mobile phones.

Haystacks done the Romanian way.

The roadside stalls varied from country to country and then from region to region.
We think these might have been red onions but they're a funny shape!

Hazards in the fog near Bran in Transylvania.

This man has unusual ears!

Mariana if you're reading this can you please tell us what these tiny little orange seeds/berries are?
We saw these for sale on the side of the road at every pullover in the Carpathians.  Haven't been able to find out what they were.

What we saw of Bucharest through the worst air pollution we've come across.

The Bucharest Ring Road - what can we say?
Here a lady stands in the middle of heavy traffic begging for money and food.

We sat amoungst big slow moving trucks with guys running up and down the centre line trying to sell shoes, mobile phones, jackets and watches.

Salesmen hitched rides on the sides of the trucks as they tried to negotiate deals.

The groovy road to Bulgaria.  Glenn found it really hard driving on some of the Romanian roads.
The surfaces were not quite what we are used to.  At least this one had tar seal, although trying to stay in the grooves proved pretty tricky.

The Romanian Funeral Procession.

The old and the new side by side.

When we found out that there was a campground in Transylvania called Vampire Camping there was no way we were going to miss out on staying there. Just up the road was 'Dracula's Castle' and the little village of Bran. Waking up to a dense fog the next morning added to the eerie atmosphere of the place, as did the sheep bells clanging from the necks of the small flock of sheep being shepherded through the fog right outside our front door.