Friday 16 November 2012

Bulgaria - Buildings, the Black Sea and Bloody Confusing Signs . . .

The border crossing between Romania and Bulgaria.

Apartment blocks of all shapes and sizes scarred the landscape in most Bulgarian towns.

The Black Sea - we were all ecstatic to be able to spread our toes in the sand
and dip our feet in the sea after having been landlocked for weeks and weeks

The waters were chilly but clear.

Even going into Bulgaria without any preconceived ideas on what to expect,
we were surprised by the development along the Black Sea coast.

While the signs in Bulgarian Cyrillic(?) type had our brows creased in confusion . . .

Other Bulgarian signs put a smile on our faces.

Parts of the Bulgarian landscape were otherworldly.

As we've travelled through the Eastern block countries we've
passed many working girls waiting for clients in laybys alongside roads
seemingly in the middle of absolutely nowhere.