Monday 14 January 2013

Olives, Oranges and Old Friends . . .

Although not the ideal time to be visiting a country that prides itself on its beautiful coastline and islands – winter in Greece was an adventure.  As we travelled through this fascinating country there were times we felt like the only living beings for 1000’s of miles.  Greece had become a ‘ghost country’.   Especially to the north where factories, Industrial Parks, building sites, shops and petrol stations sat abandoned along the roadside.  More often than not we had campsites, beaches, ruins and roads to ourselves.  Those locals we did meet would always ask us how people in New Zealand were coping with the economic crises?  The further south we travelled the more signs of life we encountered with lots of locals tending their olive groves and orange orchards.  Greece challenged us with some adverse driving conditions, switchbacks, dense fog and random herds of goats to name but a few, and excited us with its ever changing landscapes from endless seas of olive groves to breath taking coastlines and magnificent mountains.

Steeped in so much history we were enriched for having had the chance to explore its incredible ancient cities, ruins and accompanying museums.  The Monastries at Meteora, the Temple of Apollo and Athena at Delphi, the Acropolis at Athens, the ruins of Mystras and Olympia.  So much to absorb, photograph and just breath in. 

It was in Greece that we made some lifelong friends and caught up with some old friends we hadn’t seen in many years. 
One of those countries that gets under your skin and warrants multiple visits - we all hope one day to return and accept the open hospitality and delicious food offered so willingly to a travelling family again.

Here is where we would normally insert some photos but for some unknown reason it just won't let us.  We will try and upload some on a seperate post - fingers crossed.