Sunday 25 March 2012

The Storage Unit Jigsaw Puzzle . . .

2 weeks to go and the mad rush to get everything done is in full swing.  We've just spent the weekend making trips between our house and the storage unit we have hired, about a 40km round trip.  Up and down the motorway too many times to count.  But what a fabulous place . . . 3 stories high with white corridors that just seem endless, broken only by padlocked doors every few metres.  My good friend Mariana likened it to a modern prison.  PPP - Possession Protection Prison.  Taashi and Tilly loved it!  They spent the day racing trolleys up and down the lift and winding their way through the corridors.  As a result of good family team work our house is pretty much a ghost house furniture wise.  We're all sleeping on mattrasses on the floor (which the girls think is soooo much fun - it's like camping in your bedroom!).  There is no furniture left upstairs and just the essentials downstairs - TV, couches, table and chairs and the BBQ!  We managed to piece the storage unit jigsaw puzzle together really well - on our second attempt - and our fingers are crossed that all will fit in.  Otherwise everything is starting to fall into place now.  It's always the last minute things that catch you unawares but as the girls remind us every morning how many sleeps we have to go I don't think we are at risk of running out of time . . .