Monday 28 May 2012

Update on its way . . .

We're back from Deepest Darkest Africa  . . .  will update blog with all our news, incl elephant and hippo charges, within the next week.

It's midnight in London - the hottest few days in a long time - the 4 of us are squashed into one hotel room because there has been a stuff up with the motorhome (not happy campers) but more about that later . . .

Missing all our family and friends (old and new) but having the adventure of a lifetime.

Monday 7 May 2012

45 degrees at lunchtime in Dubai . . .

What do you do when the temperatures are skyrocketing in the city of Dubai with kids in tow - you head straight to Wild Wadi's Water Park to cool off!  And that is just what we did.  We joined the locals and tourists and splashed our morning away cruising down Wadi's Lazy River and tearing up and down the 11 water slides that make up Wadi's River Rapid Ride. 
In Taashi's own words "that was totally awesome!"
If you're in Dubai and are heading to Wadi's to cool off leave yourself a whole day - you'll be glad you did.

The girls on Wadi's River Rapid Ride

In the evening we ventured out into the desert for the Sunset Dune Safari where we raced up and down the dunes (much to the girls horror - although they were in tears of laughter by the end of it and not just tears!)We spotted lots of Oryx which is considered very lucky by the locals and a few gazelle.  In the Bedouin Camp we had a delicious Middle Eastern Feast, had our hands painted with Henna, watched belly dancing and rode on camels.  This tour is a must do for visitors to Dubai and everyone does it.  We ran into quite a few people from our flight from Singapore yesterday.

The Sheers Family on Aussie Camels in Dubai's Conservation Park

With only 2 whole days to see what we could of Dubai we decided to do the City of Merchants Tour as a last minute thing to give Glenn and the girls a feel for the city.  We explored mosques, the Dubai Muesum, caught an Abra (local water taxi) across Deira Creek to Deira and visited the Spice and Gold Souqs.  Thankfully most of the tour was in an airconditioned coach as temps soared once again into the high 40's.  Even the tour guide commented on the heat and congratulated us all on making it to the end saying that we could almost claim to be locals now!

Jumeirah Mosque

Abra's on Deira Creek
In the Dunes
Tilly and Taashi at sunset in the Desert

An Orchestra of Bull Frogs in Phuket . . .

An Elephant Village Phuket

From Singapore we got the chance to do a little side trip to Phuket with family.  For those of you who have had the lucky chance to get to Rarotonga in the Cook Islands Phuket is very similar just on a much larger scale.  Stray dogs run the streets, a rooster will crow at 3 in the afternoon, the beaches are blinding with white sand and giant waves (many of which wiped us out at Nai Haan Beach right down the bottom of the island), locals zoom around 2, 3, 4, and 5 people at a time on crazy motorscooters (some with side trailers that fit everything including the kitchen sink). 

A Family on a Motorscooter Phuket

What stood out most was the friendliness of the Thai people and the delicious food.  The best food we had was at the most unlikely of places (one for the Lonely Planet books).  Under the red white and blue umbrella's behind Nai Haan beach sit some local cafes where we sat and had the most delicious Thai Green Chicken Curry and Thai Fried Rice.  If you don't mind waiting for your food and the meals coming out in dribs and drabs it is well worth it (and cheap!) We organized a private boat to take us out kayaking to the Phang Nga Islands which consist of 42 limestone islands. 

The Longboats at James Bond Island Phuket
It didn't cost us much more than if we had piled onto a tourist boat with 40 other people.  This way we could time it so that we had beaches and hongs (caves you can kayak into) to ourselves.  It was fabulous and the girls had an absolute ball.  We managed a visit to James Bond Island (from the film The Man With The Golden Gun) where Taashi fell and badly sliced her knee open.  This resulted in a visit to the first aid room built into a cave in the rocks and what will be a good scar on her knee that she now calls her 'James Bond Scar'.  Phuket was an amazing break from the steamy heat of Singapore - even with temperatures in the high 30's at least there was a breeze and water to cool off in.

Each evening after the sun had gone down the Bull Frogs would appear in full song - Phuket's Orchestra of Bull Frogs.  Who knew such small critters could be so loud!

The Spaghetti Wires that are Phukets Powerlines

James Bond Rock from The Man with the Golden Gun

Tilly, Natalie and Taashi swimming in our Villa's pool