Monday 30 April 2012

Pounding the HOT Singapore Pavement . . .

Tilly, Taashi and Natalie on the MRT

We don't know how anyone could get used to the heat in Singapore.  It's knocked as all around a bit - but in saying that we have been pounding the pavement and taking in the sights.  Glenn has perfected using the MRT (Mass Rail Transport) System and so we are getting around using the trains and buses like all the locals.  It's the best way with kids in tow - it's airconditioned, clean and quick and they love putting the money into the ticket machines and pushing all the buttons to select the right stations etc.  At the end of the day you can return your tickets (which are actually plastic cards) and get a dollar refund for each one so the girls make sure we do that too!
The MRT Singapore

We've taken in the Singapore river area of Clark Quay (it's as brown as the Yarra River in Melbourne) and walked the streets of Chinatown.  Nataile (the girls 12yr old cousin) was our guide and she took us right into the heart of it all.  The local vendors with animal horns in the windows, the market like stalls and the red lanterns hanging above all the streets.  A fabulous people watching place.  We were amazed by the Chinese and Indian temples and the mosques with their fancy colourful architecture and statues.  Chinatown lived up to all of our expectations. 

The Girls in Chinatown

The island of Sentosa, on the other hand, couldn't have been any more different.  With it's HOT, white, man made beaches in a resort setting overlooking oil refineries and shipping lanes it was a sight to see. Despite being 'hotter than I've ever been in my whole life' - Tilly's words - we had a blast riding on the beach trolley tram, climbing the mosaic mythological Chinese monster fountain up to the BIG Merlion Statue and catching the Cable Car back to the MRT station.  It was FUN and the despite the heat and the fact that by the end of it the girls were shattered (and so were we) we all really enjoyed the day.


Sentosa's White Sands and Tanker Ships

Last night was a highlight for us all - we went to the World Famous Singapore Night Zoo.  A must for anyone heading to Singapore, it starts at 7pm with a fire twirling show before you head through the gates and off down the night trail walks to view all the animals.  Our favourite were the Fishing Cats who pounce into the water to catch fish.  Despite watching them for ages, each time we thought they were going to catch a fish they would settle back down again.  The tram ride around the zoo was also a huge highlight - especially for the girls as they got to see the new baby elephant.  The fact that it was at night was a huge bonus - I sound like a whinger when it comes to the heat but it's just so hot and walking around the zoo at night was a pleasant relief!  We caught the bus and MRT home again, walking from the station at midnight.  One thing I'll give Singapore, it is such a safe place to visit and we had no reservations at all about walking home alone down unfamiliar streets in the middle of the night . . .  What I think we have done right is to have a great big day out sightseeing and then a rest day and to keep doing it this way.  If we hadn't I think the girls would be a right royal mess!

Singapore Traffic Jam

At the Merlion on Sentosa

Saturday 21 April 2012

From Autumnal Melbourne to Steamy Singapore . . .

Mad Family Portrait

Glenn in Union Lane Melbourne
A Shower of Autumn Leaves Melbourne
Having spent a week catching up with family, friends and footy in Melbourne we are now in steamy (or as Tilly puts it 'boiling') Singapore.  Arriving at midnight was fabulous. We flew through customs (we were the only ones there!) and made our way out to the car that was waiting for us with a 'Glenn Sheers and fam' sign.  Once outside Taashi said "it smells just like Rarotonga" - the heat and the frangipani - and she was right. We've been staying  in Singapore with Glenn's brother Barrie and his family in a lovely 3 storey house surrounded by fragrant tropical flowers for 3 full days now and they have been full days.  From here we have explored the Botanic Gardens on foot and come across squirrels, lizards, butterflies, bugs and a bright green Bamboo Snake chilling out on a thorny bush (apparently one of the most venomous snakes in Singapore). 

The ACTUAL Bamboo Snake we came across
Yesterday was a comedy of errors and lots of fun.  From running through torrential downpours with only a sun hat for protection, to jumping on a train and Glenn, Tilly and Poppa missing it and the doors closing in their faces, to the panic on Tilly's face and the horror in her eyes when she saw us disappearing, to the massive hug when they caught up with us again (from this point on Tilly became the train nazi making sure we were all together getting on and off the trains - great practise for Europe's train networks), to being given the wrong directions by the lady behind the glass at the train station and having to u turn to reach our bus depot and on and on it went.  It was a scream - Poppa almost let out a scream at one point when the automatic ticket gates closed abruptly on his privates.  We explored the largest bird park in the world (Jurong Bird Park) dodging thunder and lightning and more torrential rain and made our way home without getting lost!  It was a hoot and we laughed our way through the days calamaties and had a ball.  I think the girls have especially enjoyed the trips to the Singapore Polo Club and the British Club where they have been able to cool off in the pool! 

Running through the Singapore Rain
A little Singapore supermarket trivia for all the Aussies and Kiwi's out there - a punnet of strawberries will set you back NZ$19 and a bottle of Oyster Bay Red Wine is NZ$60 - so enjoy your wine and strawberries tonight and think of us drinking tap water and nibbling on rice crackers!

Friday 6 April 2012

Where to 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th . . .

Before we get on a plane in 4 days time (!!!) we should let you all know where we are heading . . .
Our first six weeks are pretty much set in concrete. 
First stop Melbourne, Australia (1 week) to catch up with Mum and Dad, my sisters and their families, Uncle Fred and friends we haven't seen for awhile.  We can't wait to pound the pavement through the city streets, sample all the Easter goodies in Melbourne's famous foodie halls and try to catch the Autumn leaves as they fall in the gardens (something we really miss living in Auckland are the colours of Autumn).
Second stop Singapore (2 weeks) to catch up with Glenn's bro and his family and to celebrate G's mum's 70th birthday.  Here we're hoping to experience the atmosphere of the night markets and the world famous zoo at twilight.  The girls will just want to get as much cousin time in as possible!
Third stop (which is actually a little side trip from Singapore for 4 days) Phuket, Thailand.  The girls can't wait to take an elephant trek and go snorkelling.
Fourth stop Dubai, UAE (4 days) just because we're flying Emirates and G and the the girls have never been.  We have booked the iconic Twilight Dune Safari and of course the girls want to spend a day at Wadi's Water Park.
Fifth stop Cape Town, South Africa (5 days) for some R& R after the first four stops!  Hopefully the sun will shine on Table Mountain and we'll make it to the top.
Sixth stop Johannesburg, South Africa where we will depart for our 14 day Southern Magic Camping Safari.  Hoping to see the Big 5 and all their friends. 
Last stop for our set in concrete part of the trip London, England.  Straight off the plane, onto a train and out to Upminster to pick up our Motorhome (which has been waiting for us for 6 weeks already!)
After that the plans are there are no plans - may the road take us . . . wherever
For 11 months we will be tiki touring around the UK and Europe taking in as much as we can, schooling the girls as we go (it helps that Glenn is a teacher in this instance) and having family FUN time.
If we don't find a fabulous little cottage tucked away in the French or Italian countryside we will be dropping the Motorhome back in London early in 2013 so it can be shipped back to New Zealand and we will catch a flight to New York to take in a couple of months worth of America and Canada before heading home.
Whew . . .